About Me

In December 2014 – I was diagnosed with Burkitts Lymphoma (a type of blood cancer/leukaemia), I went through a pretty gruelling recovery process and am glad to say that I’m now living with a fairly positive outlook. With this shock, I’ve found a sense of re-focusing as I start to identify with what’s important in life.

Having spent some time getting back to ‘normal’ and coming to terms with my ordeal; I now have two new objectives…

Concentrate on the things I enjoy and am good at.

Help others who can benefit from my experiences.

Packaging Design

I was interested in design at school, and became involved in the industry as soon as I finished my education; I’ve been employed in print and packaging ever since and have worked with and for some of the boldest brands of Britain and beyond!

With this experience, I want to help designers understand the manufacturing process – I’m creative by nature, but have seen first hand how poor communication of the initial idea can lead to bad execution in production. I love cutting and sticking, and you can accordingly think of me as the glue between the creative and manufacturing teams.

Check out my packaging blog here for some ideas, inspiration and tips.

Cancer Support

During my time in hospital, I met some really interesting people who were going through a difficult time, but as a young adult it was difficult for me to connect especially noting that I was the only person under 50. Hospital; along with the recovery process can be a lonely place. I had many great friends and family around, but for me as much as them I put on a brave face and found it difficult to express my true feelings.

I’ve since spent some time joining groups and talking to like minded people. I realised that one of the speakers at a Macmillan conference, had also commented on one of the posts I had written during my treatment so I got in touch and she invited me to join her network.

Through Shine Cancer Support, I’ve met a great bunch of people with a range of different experiences. Talking and listening to stories from strangers who have been on a similar rollercoaster has really helped me to come to terms with my experience. I would strongly recommend that anyone else who is feeling disconnected did the same.

Please get in touch

If you have an enquiry or would just like some help please get in touch: